3. Creating Columns as Functions of Existing Columns#

Getting ready#

Import pandas and numpy and create a DataFrame to work with

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
dates = pd.date_range('1/1/2020', periods=8)
data = np.random.randn(8, 3)
df = pd.DataFrame(data,
                  index=dates, columns=['A', 'B', 'C'])
2020-01-01 1.261216 -0.344784 -0.735607
2020-01-02 1.549176 0.340301 -0.567190
2020-01-03 0.001756 -0.091296 -0.954124
2020-01-04 -0.733245 0.337312 1.344126
2020-01-05 0.186424 -0.191783 -0.144798

How to do it#

Using vectorized operations#

  1. Create a new column as a function of an existing column

df['Squared_A'] = df['A']**2
df['CosA'] = np.cos(df['A'])
  1. Create a new column as a function of two or more existing columns using vectorized operation such as product and sum

df['Sum_AB'] = df['A'] + df['B']
df['Prod_AB'] = df['A'] * df['B']
A B C Squared_A CosA Sum_AB Prod_AB
2020-01-01 1.261216 -0.344784 -0.735607 1.590666 0.304659 0.916432 -0.434847
2020-01-02 1.549176 0.340301 -0.567190 2.399947 0.021618 1.889478 0.527187
2020-01-03 0.001756 -0.091296 -0.954124 0.000003 0.999998 -0.089539 -0.000160
2020-01-04 -0.733245 0.337312 1.344126 0.537648 0.743006 -0.395933 -0.247332
2020-01-05 0.186424 -0.191783 -0.144798 0.034754 0.982673 -0.005359 -0.035753
2020-01-06 -0.087005 -1.612554 0.012796 0.007570 0.996217 -1.699559 0.140300
2020-01-07 -1.309805 0.364629 -0.506853 1.715590 0.258038 -0.945176 -0.477593
2020-01-08 -1.160022 0.063692 -0.551563 1.345651 0.399320 -1.096330 -0.073884

Using apply#

  1. Create a new column evaluating an ad-hoc function on existing columns. To do this we need to

  • Define the function that we want to evaluate

  • Use the method apply combined with a lambda expression

from math import sin, cos

def my_function(x, y, z):
    if x + y >3:
        return sin(x) + sin(y) + sin(z)
        return cos(x) + cos(y) + cos(z)

df['function_ABC'] = df.apply(lambda x: my_function(x['A'], x['B'], x['C']), axis=1)
A B C Squared_A CosA Sum_AB Prod_AB function_ABC
2020-01-01 1.261216 -0.344784 -0.735607 1.590666 0.304659 0.916432 -0.434847 1.987231
2020-01-02 1.549176 0.340301 -0.567190 2.399947 0.021618 1.889478 0.527187 1.807687
2020-01-03 0.001756 -0.091296 -0.954124 0.000003 0.999998 -0.089539 -0.000160 2.574158
2020-01-04 -0.733245 0.337312 1.344126 0.537648 0.743006 -0.395933 -0.247332 1.911389
2020-01-05 0.186424 -0.191783 -0.144798 0.034754 0.982673 -0.005359 -0.035753 2.953874
2020-01-06 -0.087005 -1.612554 0.012796 0.007570 0.996217 -1.699559 0.140300 1.954390
2020-01-07 -1.309805 0.364629 -0.506853 1.715590 0.258038 -0.945176 -0.477593 2.066571
2020-01-08 -1.160022 0.063692 -0.551563 1.345651 0.399320 -1.096330 -0.073884 2.248999
  1. Create a column which maps the values of a column to a set of colors depending on some boundaries. For example, we are going to map column C as follows:

  • ‘black’ for values < -3

  • ‘yellow’ for values in [-3, 3]

  • ‘green’ for values >3

def color_function(x):
    if x < -3:
        return 'black'
    elif x > 3:
        return 'green'
        return 'yellow'

df['color'] = df.apply(lambda x: color_function(x['C']), axis=1)
A B C Squared_A CosA Sum_AB Prod_AB function_ABC color
2020-01-01 1.261216 -0.344784 -0.735607 1.590666 0.304659 0.916432 -0.434847 1.987231 yellow
2020-01-02 1.549176 0.340301 -0.567190 2.399947 0.021618 1.889478 0.527187 1.807687 yellow
2020-01-03 0.001756 -0.091296 -0.954124 0.000003 0.999998 -0.089539 -0.000160 2.574158 yellow
2020-01-04 -0.733245 0.337312 1.344126 0.537648 0.743006 -0.395933 -0.247332 1.911389 yellow
2020-01-05 0.186424 -0.191783 -0.144798 0.034754 0.982673 -0.005359 -0.035753 2.953874 yellow
2020-01-06 -0.087005 -1.612554 0.012796 0.007570 0.996217 -1.699559 0.140300 1.954390 yellow
2020-01-07 -1.309805 0.364629 -0.506853 1.715590 0.258038 -0.945176 -0.477593 2.066571 yellow
2020-01-08 -1.160022 0.063692 -0.551563 1.345651 0.399320 -1.096330 -0.073884 2.248999 yellow

Using conditions#

  1. Create a column using a condition. For example, checking of the value of a column is positive or negative.

df['Flag'] = df['A'] >= 0 
A B C Squared_A CosA Sum_AB Prod_AB function_ABC color Flag
2020-01-01 1.261216 -0.344784 -0.735607 1.590666 0.304659 0.916432 -0.434847 1.987231 yellow True
2020-01-02 1.549176 0.340301 -0.567190 2.399947 0.021618 1.889478 0.527187 1.807687 yellow True
2020-01-03 0.001756 -0.091296 -0.954124 0.000003 0.999998 -0.089539 -0.000160 2.574158 yellow True
2020-01-04 -0.733245 0.337312 1.344126 0.537648 0.743006 -0.395933 -0.247332 1.911389 yellow False
2020-01-05 0.186424 -0.191783 -0.144798 0.034754 0.982673 -0.005359 -0.035753 2.953874 yellow True
2020-01-06 -0.087005 -1.612554 0.012796 0.007570 0.996217 -1.699559 0.140300 1.954390 yellow False
2020-01-07 -1.309805 0.364629 -0.506853 1.715590 0.258038 -0.945176 -0.477593 2.066571 yellow False
2020-01-08 -1.160022 0.063692 -0.551563 1.345651 0.399320 -1.096330 -0.073884 2.248999 yellow False

Using map#

  1. Map a column with boolean values to color names in string format. For example, map True to color ‘green’ and False to color ‘red’.

df['Flag_to_Colors'] = df['Flag'].map({True:'green', False:'red'}) 
A B C Squared_A CosA Sum_AB Prod_AB function_ABC color Flag Flag_to_Colors
2020-01-01 1.261216 -0.344784 -0.735607 1.590666 0.304659 0.916432 -0.434847 1.987231 yellow True green
2020-01-02 1.549176 0.340301 -0.567190 2.399947 0.021618 1.889478 0.527187 1.807687 yellow True green
2020-01-03 0.001756 -0.091296 -0.954124 0.000003 0.999998 -0.089539 -0.000160 2.574158 yellow True green
2020-01-04 -0.733245 0.337312 1.344126 0.537648 0.743006 -0.395933 -0.247332 1.911389 yellow False red
2020-01-05 0.186424 -0.191783 -0.144798 0.034754 0.982673 -0.005359 -0.035753 2.953874 yellow True green
2020-01-06 -0.087005 -1.612554 0.012796 0.007570 0.996217 -1.699559 0.140300 1.954390 yellow False red
2020-01-07 -1.309805 0.364629 -0.506853 1.715590 0.258038 -0.945176 -0.477593 2.066571 yellow False red
2020-01-08 -1.160022 0.063692 -0.551563 1.345651 0.399320 -1.096330 -0.073884 2.248999 yellow False red