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Introduction to Plotly and Dash in Python
Data Processing and Transformation
Simple Recipes
Recipes for Statistical Charts
Intermediate Recipes
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Introduction to Plotly and Dash in Python
Data Processing and Transformation
Simple Recipes
Recipes for Statistical Charts
Intermediate Recipes
Plotly and Dash Cookbook
Part I. Getting Started
Introduction to Plotly and Dash in Python
1. Setting up your Python environment
2. Installing Dash and Plotly
3. Working in the Jupyter ecosystem
4. Working with Dash and Plotly in Jupyter
5. Understanding the Figure Object
6. Using Dictionaries to make Figures
7. Saving Plotly Figures
Data Processing and Transformation
1. Creating Series and Data Frames
2. Selecting and Manipulating Data Frames
3. Creating Columns as Functions of Existing Columns
4. Handling Duplicated and Missing Values
5. Reshaping Data with Pandas
6. Reading Data from Excel
7. Handling Large Datasets Efficiently
8. Loading the Plotly Express Data Sets
9. Exploring the Gapminder Data set
10. Exploring the Iris Data Set
11. Fetching Data from APIs
12. Fetching Financial Data from the Web
Part II. Using Plotly
Simple Recipes
1. Making scatter plot
2. Making line charts
3. Making a scatter with a trend line
4. Making Bubble Charts
5. Making Dot Plots
6. Making Pie and Donut Charts
7. Making Bar Charts
8. Making Gantt Charts
9. Making Stacked Bars
10. Making Area Charts
Recipes for Statistical Charts
1. Making Histograms
2. Making 2D-Histograms
3. Making Box Plots
4. Making Box Plots better with Jitter
5. Using Violin Plots as an alternative to Box Plots
6. Understanding marginal plots
7. Making histograms better with marginals
8. Using marginal plots with facets
9. Understanding ECDF charts
10. Visualizing Linear Regression
11. Visualizing Moving Averages
12. Visualizing Correlation Matrices
Intermediate Recipes
1. Making animated scatter charts
2. Using Faceted Charts
3. Making Better Bar Charts
4. Creating Sunburst Charts
5. Creating Icicle Charts
6. Creating Heat maps
7. Creating Waterfall Charts
8. Using dual-axes in Plotly
9. Making Basic Tables with Plotly
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